Keller Williams Greater Brunswick - Michelle Smith
Michelle Smith
Keller Williams Greater Brunswick
Somerset, NJ
Licenca št.: 9486875 - NJ / Team Leaader and Broker Associate
Vsaka pisarna Keller Williams® je v neodvisni lasti in upravljanju
Moje podrobnosti
JEZIKI English
TRŽNICA CENTER Keller Williams Greater Brunswick

O meni

I am a former teacher, which is probably why I am so invested in helping my clients by educating them about the sale process. I have been a licensed Realtor in New Jersey since 1994 and hold the ABR designation (Accredited Buyer's Representative) and PSA designation. As a recipient of the NJAR Circle of Excellence Award, I have worked with buyers and sellers in Middlesex, Union, Somerset, Ocean and Monmouth counties. I have continued my education so I can provide my clients with the most current and effective service possible. Part of this education has been in the area of technology. As a member of Central Jersey MLS, Garden State MLS, BRIGHT MLS and Monmouth/Ocean MLS, I have immediate access to the most current information available in all the areas I service. I am able to promote your home throughout the state and even into Eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.

I believe a good relationship is based on open and honest communication. Communication is key in order to facilitate a successful transaction. To this end, I am available via mobile phone, text and email seven days a week. I always return calls, texts and emails promptly. The goal is to make sure all information is communicated clearly and in a timely manner.

Selling a home can be a stressful process. My goal is to provide help and guide you every step of the way, so you can sell your current home with the least amount of stress possible.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov ali telefonsko številko skupaj s hitrim sporočilom in odgovorili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
Prosimo, vnesite svoje ime.
Prosimo vnesite svoj priimek.
Prosimo, vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov. Vnesite veljaven elektronski naslov.
Vnesite veljavno telefonsko številko.
Vnesite svojo telefonsko številko. Vnesite veljavno telefonsko številko.
Prosim vnesite sporočilo
S klikom na »Pošlji sporočilo« potrjujete, da bodo vaši osebni podatki obravnavani v skladu z našim pravilnikom o zasebnosti in da bodo posredovani nepremičninskemu agentu Keller Williams ali tržnemu centru.
Sporočilo poslano
Nekaj je šlo narobe. Prosim poskusite ponovno.
Michelle Smith
Licenca št.: 9486875

Vas zanima? Pogovoriva se!
Keller Williams Greater Brunswick
220 Davidson Ave, Suite 404 Somerset, NJ 08873

Michelle Smith
Team Leaader and Broker Associate 9486875
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